Train accidents can have devastating consequences due to the massive size and weight of trains.

These accidents can occur for various reasons, including technical failures, human errors, track defects, signal malfunctions, and weather conditions. They may lead to derailments, collisions, or other incidents that endanger lives and property. 

Prevention measures often involve strict adherence to safety protocols. Authorities like the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) in the United States monitor and regulate rail safety to minimize accidents and improve railway systems. 

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries or died as a result of an Amtrak accident or other train accident, it is crucial you contact an experienced Maine train accident lawyer at Mann Law to discuss your rights and remedies.

Causes of Train Accidents

Train accidents can result from various causes, often from a combination of human, technical, and environmental factors. 

  • Human error. Operator fatigue, distraction, inadequate training, and failure to follow safety protocols can lead to accidents. A study by the FRA highlighted human factors as a significant contributor to train accidents.
  • Track defects. Poor maintenance, track misalignment, and faulty switches can lead to derailments or collisions. The FRA indicates that track defects are among the leading causes of train accidents. 
  • Mechanical failures. Equipment malfunctions, brake failures, and engine defects can result in accidents. 
  • Weather conditions. Adverse weather, such as heavy rain, snow, ice, or fog, can affect visibility, traction, and braking, leading to accidents.
  • Signal failures. Malfunctioning signals and communication systems can cause confusion and misjudgments, contributing to accidents.
  • Vehicles and pedestrians. Trespassing on tracks and ignoring warning signals are factors in accidents involving pedestrians or vehicles at crossings. 
  • Collisions. Accidents can occur due to collisions with vehicles or other trains at crossings, often attributed to a failure to yield the right-of-way. 
  • Sabotage and terrorism. In some cases, deliberate acts of sabotage or terrorism can lead to train accidents.

Investigations often determine the primary cause, helping authorities improve safety measures. It’s crucial to address these causes through regular maintenance, training, advanced signaling systems, and public awareness campaigns to mitigate the risk of train accidents and ensure passenger and public safety.

Liability After a Train Accident

Liability for train accidents is a complex matter that involves identifying the parties responsible for the incident and its consequences.

Determining liability depends on various factors, including the specific circumstances of the accident, applicable laws and regulations, and evidence collected during investigations.

  • Railway companies. Railway companies are generally responsible for the safety of their trains, maintenance of their infrastructure, and adherence to safety protocols. The company could be held liable if negligence, inadequate maintenance, or poor training contributed to the accident.
  • Train operators. If the operator’s actions, such as negligence, distraction, or failure to follow safety procedures, directly caused or exacerbated the accident, they might bear personal liability. Their employer could also be vicariously liable for their actions.
  • Manufacturers. If a train’s components or safety systems malfunctioned due to defects, the manufacturers of those components could be held liable for design or manufacturing flaws.
  • Maintenance crews. Crews responsible for maintaining the tracks, signals, and equipment can be liable if subpar maintenance or improper repairs lead to the accident.
  • Government entities. If the accident resulted from infrastructure defects or signal malfunctions controlled by a government agency, that agency might share liability.
  • Third parties. Drivers of vehicles at railroad crossings, pedestrians trespassing on tracks, or entities involved in adjacent construction might also share liability if their actions contributed to the accident.

Liability determination involves thorough investigations, often led by government agencies such as the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in the United States.

A train accident attorney can help determine who is at fault by gathering evidence from the accident scene, eyewitness accounts, expert analyses, and data from the train’s recording devices. 

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit Against Amtrak

Filing a personal injury lawsuit against Amtrak involves several essential steps. Please note that legal procedures can vary, and it’s always advisable to consult an experienced attorney with experience in personal injury cases to guide you through the process.

Here’s a general outline of how to proceed:

  • Seek medical attention. Your health and safety are top priorities. Make sure to receive appropriate medical care for your injuries and document all medical treatment and expenses.
  • Consult an attorney. Find a qualified personal injury attorney who has experience with railroad-related cases and is familiar with the laws surrounding Amtrak. They can provide expert advice, evaluate the strength of your case, and guide you through the legal process.
  • Conduct an investigation. Your attorney will initiate an investigation to gather evidence, including accident reports, witness statements, medical records, and any available surveillance footage.
  • Notice of claim. Depending on the jurisdiction, there may be a requirement to file a notice of claim with Amtrak within a specific time frame before proceeding with a lawsuit. Your attorney can handle this formal notification.
  • Filing a lawsuit. If negotiations or settlements are unsuccessful, your attorney will file a lawsuit. The lawsuit will outline your claims and the damages you’re seeking.
  • Complete discovery. Both parties exchange information and evidence relevant to the case. This includes document requests, depositions, and interrogatories.
  • Negotiations and settlements. Often, parties engage in settlement negotiations to resolve the case without going to trial. Your attorney will advocate for your interests during these negotiations.
  • Trial preparation. Your attorney will prepare your case for trial if you cannot reach a settlement. This involves refining legal arguments, gathering expert witnesses, and building a case.
  • Trial. If the case goes to trial, both sides present their evidence, question witnesses, and present legal arguments before a judge and possibly a jury.
  • Verdict and appeal. The judge or jury will render a verdict. If the outcome is unfavorable, your attorney might advise you on the possibility of an appeal.

Of course, every train accident lawsuit is unique, and not every case takes the same path. It is important to discuss what to expect with an experienced Maine personal injury lawyer to ensure you fully understand the procedural aspects of your case. 

Damages and Compensation in a Train Accident Claim 

Those who have suffered injuries in a train accident are entitled to compensation for their damages and losses. However, consulting with an attorney familiar with Maine’s laws and regulations regarding personal injury claims for train accidents is essential.

You may be eligible for the following forms of compensation and damages:

  • Medical expenses—medical costs related to injuries sustained in the train accident, including hospitalization, surgeries, doctor visits, medications, rehabilitation, and ongoing medical treatments;
  • Lost wages—income lost due to injuries, including wages that the victim would have earned if they hadn’t been injured;
  • Pain and suffering—physical pain, emotional distress, and suffering from the accident and injuries;
  • Emotional distress—psychological trauma, anxiety, depression, and other emotional effects caused by the accident;
  • Property damage—damage to personal property, such as vehicles or personal belongings;
  • Loss of consortium—loss of companionship, care, and support that a spouse or family member may experience due to the injuries sustained in the accident;
  • Wrongful death—compensation to surviving family members for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and emotional suffering;
  • Punitive damages—damages to punish the wrongdoer for particularly reckless and intentional conduct and to deter similar behavior; and
  • Legal fees and costs—compensation to cover the legal fees and costs incurred by the victim or their family in pursuing the case.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a train accident in Maine, seek legal advice to understand your rights and the types of compensation that might be available.

Discuss Your Injuries with a Maine Train Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one was recently injured or killed in a train accident, it is essential that you understand your rights and what you can do to pursue a claim against the responsible parties.

At Mann Law, we’ve assembled a dedicated team of Maine train accident lawyers who are passionate about securing fair compensation on behalf of our clients.

We understand what you and your family have been through, and we are prepared to do whatever is necessary to ensure justice is served. To learn more and to schedule a free consultation with one of our train accident attorneys, give Mann Law a call today.

You can also connect with us through our secure online contact form.